for a generic RTS and for a first plan I would agree, but in my case it's extremely revealing, as I hope it might be for some other game genres that require mass calculations.
I've worked with a lot of graphics on mobile devices and I'm pretty sure that on almost any PC any GPU-rendering engine will easily handle few thousands of objects on screen with correct implementation of MeshBatches / Atlases. And I'm planning to fit all gameplay inside a single atlas, at worst one for all units, one for all buildings and one for all backs, so we have 4 draw calls (UI is 4-th), not an issue for any decent engine.
Garbage collection behavior is something we can predict: Unity incremental GC should do it's job without freezes and V8 GC is modern with reference counting, so I believe I have enough reasons to expect its decent behavior. Some performance optimizations in V8 sound mind-blowing, so I'm quite sure they did not mess up their GC.
Pathfinding is based on calculations, which this tiny benchmark represents well enough.
AI development is a mystery to me, but in worst case scenario I can postpone it, as my idea is more of a MP-oriented. Still, AI is affected primarily by code speed as well.
And one of the most important part personally for me, which I'm more silent about, is about fail-safe approach of picking a technology. It's smart to either use a technology you know good (which this test shows me it's not an option) or to pick a technology, learning which will benefit you in some other ways, because game might fail, so I have to be pretty sure at least my experience will benefit me in the job market, which is quite pessimistic right now, especially gamedev.
And my test shows me that NodeJs is indeed a viable option, as I had only code performance concerns left.