I briefly tested the PC version of BH2 on my Galaxy Note 8, and it ran pretty well! The main issue was stuttering during garbage collection, so I think it could be optimized to run ok on most mobile devices, at least on the less chaotic, easier difficulties. (And in the arcade days, bullet-hell games like this were often designed to slow down during the very difficult parts. )
Ruffle already runs AS3 reasonably well - there's still a few things that don't work correctly, but my massive RPG Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is almost playable, and Epic Battle Fantasy 4 only starts to softlock half way through the game. AS3 code runs a bit slower in Ruffle than in Flashplayer, but I think this is more than made up for by how much faster vector graphics are in Ruffle, and the AS3 stuff is still being optimized.
I'm already working on a big hidden-object Windows game that will run on Ruffle, and it's coming along pretty well. It would never have been possible to make vector graphics this detailed in Flashplayer.