Hey guys, I recently started working on an iOS version of my game, Epic Battle Fantasy 5, and Apple rejected it because:
"The app privacy information you provided indicates you collect data in order to track the user. However, you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before tracking their activity."
I'm quite clueless about the privacy and consent stuff - I just entered the information that a tutorial told me to enter when using AdMob. I've been using Distriqt's AdMob ANE on Android, but I don't make much money from ads, and I earn a lot more from in-app purchases, including the option to disable ads. So far, ads are just giving me a lot of headaches. So I have some questions:
Is there a big difference between personalised and not personalised ads?
If they're not personalised, can I just tell Apple I'm not collecting any data and skip consent?
(my game doesn't have any sort of user accounts, or shareable content, but it does use Game Services for achievements, and has in-app purchases)
And if I want to only use not personalised ads, how do I make sure that AdMob is configured correctly for this on iOS?
(what do I put in my XML file etc?)
Edit: After reading some more, it appears that I still need to ask for consent even with non-personalised ads. Oh well.
Is using this IDFA ANE enough to satisfy Apple and GDPR?
And in a somewhat related question... what's the workflow for implementing in-app purchases on iOS?
I can't test the implementation because the in-app purchases are not approved yet, but Apple rejected them because the implementation doesn't work! Not sure which step comes first...
I'd appreciate any advice, thanks!