I'm trying to build my game with AIR and that version crashes right after the preloader.
Last time I used AIR to build a Linux game, and when I run that version it works well.
Game builds can be found here: https://airapport.itch.io/farm-and-mine (scroll down to the downloads section)
The version which crashes: FarmAndMineLinuxCrash
The version which does not crash: FarmAndMineLinux
Crash log from Linux machine: https://pastebin.com/XBjUtjgX
One difference that I noticed: the executable file in the version which does not crash is considered as "executable" in properties and is run by double-clicking, and in the version which crashes it is "shared library", and doesn't run by double-clicking, I could run it only via the terminal.
To build and test I'm using a Virtual Box machine with ubuntu-20.04.6
Who has Linux machine, could you please check if you get the same behaviour like I do? And maybe I'm missing something with the building proicess?