My 1 app have been rejected yesterday
Last week, my 3 apps have been accepted, these 3 apps use admob UMP and distriqt's ANE.
So, it will show GDPR and App Tracking Transparency permission request before play ads
But yesterday, when I update it, they said.....
Regarding 5.1.1, we still noticed that a message appears before the permission request, and to proceed users press a “Consent” button.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise the permission request to use words like "Continue" or "Next" on the button instead.
Some reviewer don't know what is GDPR, they only know App Tracking Transparency permission request.
but you know, GDPR is need to be consent! use continue or next? it's kidding~
But one of my app, when I explained what is GDPR and it need to be consent, that app was accepted.
but another is not, it still ask me to modify the word "consent" to be "Continue" or "Next" in GDPR.
Fine, I give up~
It seems to mean that Apple's reviewer don't have a standard rules
I will update mp app later, maybe they have a standard rules to handle it
The worst situation is not use UMP to show GDPR...
If you guys have a best way, we could discuss that...