Shaun_Max I am giving them for free. Jetbrains sponsors my dev community but we had no events to give away in August so I want to give them away to people who need them.
mfrasier I have used VS Code for several things (Royale, PHP, Flutter, AIR, as notepad, JSON), I can't say that I like it that much. I still use it for php or to quickly edit some xml, json file, but I don't like using it for mobile or web development.
Some of the benefits of intellij over vscode:
- everything works, no need to do special setups, create launch files, setup editors etc. (remember we spend time to make apps/ games, not set tools)
- easier integration of ANEs
- better autocomplete, live templates, basically anything you need to work is there
- good integration with any VSC
For me it was also easier to move to intellij as I use Android Studio on everyday bases, so it is a tool I know well.