You created great animations and enemies but I do not understand why would this be so hard to implement in a game. I think if you add this it would add so much to the game. I donโt think you should throw away this. If you add just these two enemies, you alredy have a spider and level editor and add just a few collectables and you have a game. Create levels and let it sell so you have some income and who knows maybe it earns enoguh to replace your day time job and then you can add more features and enemies. I think you are very close to finish it.
I think you should really consider finishing this game. Apple is selling hundreds of millions of devices no way some one will not buy a game with this great graphics and animation and you can always add more features and enemies and what not.
And you can always add more levels because you have great level editor to keep users playing your game until you add more enemies and features.