When ever you use instrument on your device like the printer, or the clipboard, it is not so easy to give your app access, I prefer a build in procedure to access these devices, not having to deal with security restrictions, I would like to print the image, or the content I have on my WebView, can I do it on an iPhone? not an easy task, if possible at all, so the WebView is a good option. If you know of a better option, show me the code, I know there is a way to print on desktop, what about smartphones?
The way I do it now is I have a Print View, where I have the content on the WebView page and on the top I write "click right mouse button to ... print or copy, on iPhone you even get the option of AirPrint. I didn't find a good printing way on iPhone, some suggested saving it as a pdf, so in any case it is not my app printing...
If you know of a better way let me know,
If you know how to give permission to the context menu on StagWebView on Android, let me know