I have a problem using the Distriqt in-app-purchasing ANE on the Apple Mac Store. This ANE is supposed to support all Android and Apple platforms, and it does support iPhone, iPad, and Android, and works fine on these platforms.
I think my problem is not with the coding level (I might be wrong though), I have the feeling I didn't initiated in-app-purchasing on the Mac Store properly. The Mac version of the app is located next to the iOS version of it, on iTunes. When I created the in-app products, I did it for iOS, and had to go through a process of validating in app purchases on iOS, and the instructions provided on iTunes site for doing that were clear and I followed them, and everything works fine, now that I added the same app to the mac section of the app on iTunes, I didn't do anything additional on the store level, because the in app products were the same - already there - but it is probably more then just uploading the MacOs version app to the store, there must be something I have to do to make in-app-purchasing valid on mac store as well, I can't count on the process I did on the iOS version of this app. So now even though the Mac version of my app uploaded to iTunes fine, and works fine, it is not initiating the in-app-purchasing process,
inAppBillingEvent.SETUP_SUCCESS is supposed to be fired when communicating with Mac Store, and it doesn't, this is the very beginning of the process of initializing the ANE by establishing the communication with the store.
Can anyone suggest a solution?
If I will find a solution and it will work, I will make a tutorial on Starling Forum, as I did for creating Mac apps, because the tutorial I did previously, is not good for adding ANEs to a mac app, because the previous tutorial is creating the Mac app from an Air application, which is a process you cannot use if you want to include ANEs, so if anyone can help me find the problem, many others will benefit from it.