Sorry for asking the basic need, but I didn't used the component till yet. But it is now required for my app.
My stage size is 3840 x 2160. If I used the scrollpane component and add some data which enable the upscroll and downscroll. But when publish the swf, it is very complicated to scrollup and scrolldown. Even I cannot see the bar. Is there any way to increase the size of scrollpan's upscroll and downscroll and even the width of the bar of scroller.
I used the below lines but failed :
scrollPaneMovieClipName.verticalScrollBar.downArrow.scaleX = 7; //OR
scrollPaneMovieClipName.verticalScrollBar.downArrow.height = 100
scrollPaneMovieClipName.verticalScrollBar.downArrow.width= 100