Yes I had succeeded in creating an ipa which I uploaded to the app store successfully. And also one for testing locally on my iPhone.
Basically I prefer not to use the tool in which I create the swf file, to also package the files I distribute on each platform, In my opinion, separation of powers is the healthiest thing. So I create the swf with FB 4.7 and then use ADT command line to create ipa, apk, app, exe files.
you have 2 options:
- using the ADT command line, like this:
D:\FlashBuilder\new_50.1.1.2\bin\adt -package -target ipa-debug -provisioning-profile Mishnah_Developer.mobileprovision ...
but then you are depended on the Java installed on your device, and the new versions of Java jdk from Oracl, are not totally free, but there are other versions and other companies, the new versions of jdk don't come with jre and it is best to be synchronized with what you have on FB, so I prefer using the java that comes with FB (after I updated it to jre1.8.0_112 which is the latest version that works on FB as far as I know). I do need java jdk for creating apk files, and for that it is best to have jdk 11+, but I'm still testing creating an apk, will update in the future. I think it is best to use the java that comes with the FB like this:
create a batch file on your pc that contains these lines:
set JAVA="C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\jre\bin\java"
set ADT="D:\FlashBuilder\new_50.1.1.2\lib\adt.jar"
REM ipa-test | ipa-debug | ipa-app-store | ipa-ad-hoc | ipa-test-interpreter | ipa-debug-interpreter | ipa-test-interpreter-simulator | ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator
set TARGET="ipa-test"
set PROVISION_PEODILE="Mishnah_Developer.mobileprovision"
set CERT_FILE="certdev.p12"
set PASSWORD="xxxxxxxx"
set OUTPUT_IPA="Mishna.ipa"
set APP_DESC_FILE="Mishna-app.xml"
set ANE_DIR="ane"
set SWF_FILE="Mishna.swf"
set ASSETS_DIR="assets"
set ICON_DIR="icon"
set IMG_DIR="image"
%JAVA% -jar %ADT% -package -target %TARGET% -provisioning-profile %PROVISION_PEODILE% -storetype pkcs12 -keystore %CERT_FILE% -storepass %PASSWORD% %OUTPUT_IPA% %APP_DESC_FILE% -extdir %ANE_DIR% %SWF_FILE% %ASSETS_DIR% %ICON_DIR% %IMG_DIR%
put it inside a folder that contains 4 folders:
ane - containing the anes used by this application
assets - containing the assets used by this application
icon - containing the icones used by this application
image - containing the splash images you have to add to an ipa applications
in the same folder put these files:
- your certificate development or distribution - *.p12 file that contains both the certificate and the privet key, create it on pc with OpenSSL-Win64 or save the certificate you have on your mac as *.p12 to use on your pc
- your provision profile development or distribution.
- your swf file, can be found on bin-debug folder on your FB project, don't forget to click clean before you take it
- your descriptor file - appName-app.xml - just don't take the one found in bin-debug folder, take the one on the root folder of your project and on this line:
<content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
insert the name of your swf file.
make sure your are updating the version number if you create a distribution version you upload to iTunes
on the same folder put the batch file you are creating
open cmd on windows
cd path to the folder
run the batch file
you will get a good ipa file.
Worked for me, let me know if it worked for you.