For last 6 years my team was developing an MMORPG game BrokenRanks. It's a successor of our previos MMORPG titltle Taern (browser game made in Flash AS2). We've choosen AIR technology to this game just before everything started to fall apart around Flash. But we're loving AIR so we've decided that we will stick to it no metter what. So finally after 6 years we're almost there 😃
On friday we're launching Open Beta weekend so if you would like to join us we would be very happy.
Here is our OpenBeta Trailer:
And our website:
About BrokenRanks:
It's isometric MMORPG game isnpired by oldschool RPG like Baldur's Gate and Fallout. Its open world and it has turn based combat system but a little different then anything that i know. The turns are very quick and simultanius. Both sides of the battle have 10 seconds to set their strategy for the round and then their attacks are confronted and you watch the outcome.
I would like to thanks so much to Daniel. You were doing such a marvelous job for all those years. Straling is great engine and very well written. It was pleasure to work with it. I wish Away3D team would be so much dedicated to their engine. Our live would be so much easier 😉
Thanks also to joshtynjala for feathers. It saved us a lot of time to be able to use those very polished UI components.
We're also super happy about Harman recent activity, it's great to see that AIR is moving forward. Thank you for that.