I have layout parent of quad and textfield
I have color corrected the quad using gradientTexture
But how can I adjust the color gradian of the textfield?
var _layoutTouch:LayoutGroup = new LayoutGroup();
_layoutTouch.width = _layoutTab.width;
_layoutTouch.height = _layoutTab.height;
_layoutTouch.x = _layoutTouch.width * 0.5;
_layoutTouch.y = _layoutTouch.height * 0.5;
_layoutTouch.name = idx.toString();
var gradientTexture:Texture = createGradientTexture(200, 50, [0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00], [1, 1], [0, 255]);
// Tạo quad sử dụng gradient texture
var quad:Quad = new Quad(200, 150, 0xFFFFFF);
quad.texture = gradientTexture;
var _labelTitle:Label = new Label();
Localize.fixFontLocalizeLabel(_labelTitle, this._txtTitleFormatEn, this._txtTitleFormatKm, this._txtTitleFormatMy);
_labelTitle.width = 194;
_labelTitle.height = 100;
_labelTitle.blendMode = true;
_labelTitle.wordWrap = true;
_labelTitle.name = "labelTitle";
_labelTitle.text = (data.Title).toUpperCase();
_labelTitle.x = _layoutTouch.width * 0.5;
_labelTitle.y = 97 - _labelTitle.height * 0.5 + 18;