Yeah, there are a lot of undocumented things and a lot of "patches" that are widely scattered in the forum ... So starting in Haxe / OpenFL is "complicated".
Actually many other technologies suffer from the same. The same Unity is a chaos of information in the different forums and you find lots of things that do not work in current versions.
What I think you want to do is try to reuse the exact workflow that you currently work with in AIR and replicate it in Haxe / OpenFL, but working from as3 code libraries ... This is going to be very problematic, as much as they say that Haxe "imports" swc's, it's not that simple. Many give problems and / or need you to create "externs" (for code completion), and that takes a lot of work (it's not like clicking a button or configuring something and your library appears as3 running in Haxe - no matter how many people say there are problems -). And some things do not work in current versions.
When I was referring to the fact that the workflow of AnimateCC + Flashdevelop (put your ide here) + as3 can be replicated, I meant that it is possible to work in the same way in Haxe / OpenFL. This is, working specifically on Haxe from the very beginning and leaving aside any library or class as3 ...
But this requires a commitment ... Change the chip and put aside things like "greensock" and try to start adapting to what is already in Haxe (Actuate if we continue with the same example) ... It's what I've done , and everything works very well. From the assets in the same AnimateCC and the programming in Haxe / OpenFL. Everything works "exactly" equal to a previous workflow (especially if we use AIR gpu mode, which is very similar in OpenFL).
I understand that what some want is to try to start with Haxe but reusing everything you already have mounted in AIR / as3. I think that is going to be much more complicated for you because few people in the Haxe world has interest in working with as3 (less information).
Keep in mind that if you change your framework / technology completely, you will have to change the chip even more ... It's totally different. Everything depends on the needs of each one.
P.D .: What can be done more easily in Haxe, is to program in this language an application or a module that exports a swf, and that swf can be compiled later in AIR / as3 (as always). This can save work or be useful depending on what cases.