EDIT: Don't miss this followup post: Feathers UI on Kickstarter
Hi community,
Recently, I started experimenting with Haxe and OpenFL. Obviously, I couldn't pass by the opportunity to prototype of a version of the Feathers UI core architecture. One thing led to another, and I found myself submitting a pull request to OpenFL to improve scale9Grid
so that I could add some skins to a prototype Button component, and then I was learning how to write API documentation for Haxe code with dox. Before long, I had a Button, a Slider, and a TextInput. Needless to say, I found myself really enjoying working with Haxe and OpenFL.
In fact, the Haxe/OpenFL combination have been so nice that I'd really like to commit to expanding this new version of Feathers from a prototype to a fully-supported library. So, without further ado, I'd like to share the following announcement:
I will launch a Kickstarter campaign for Feathers UI on June 25, 2019. This will give me time to finish up some prototypes, prepare ideas for rewards, and to make sure that there are enough people out there who are actually interested in this project. Please sign up to get notified so that I know that you're ready to become a backer.
Additionally, I'd like Feathers to become a sustainable business going forward, so I'm also planning to create premium Feathers products β like advanced components, educational screencasts, and some in-depth ebooks. It's likely that some of these will become backer rewards in the upcoming crowdfunding campaign, but they'll primarily be a new source of income to ensure that Feathers can be self-funding and doesn't strictly rely on corporate sponsorship.
I'm really excited about this! Thank you, Feathers community, for sharing all of your inspirational projects over the years, and hopefully, now... for years to come!
Happy coding!
Josh Tynjala
Feathers UI