Hello Daniel nice work! I am sorry for long time because my account has old email 🙁 I can't get my old account back. I am Jens Eckervogt ( old account SourceSkyBoxer ) cause my old account was using very old invalid email 🙁 Can you transfer my posts from my old account to my new account? I am sorry for long busy time because I left since Adobe informs me about Adobe Flash Player discontinued and I thought Adobe lies me since August 2020. I don't know before Adobe Flash Player died then I exchange Actionscript 3 to C# and I don't expect that Actionscript 3 is not died since I checked facebook and I checked Harman Air. What does it happen? I thought Actionscript 3 stopped to develop. No they and you develop with Actionscript 3 then I return my development with AS3 but I am very disappointed because I loose my old account under Starling Forum. That is why I am sorry - I try to ask my beknown of Actionscript 3 members under facebook I ask members of Actionscript 3 about @Daniel under Facebook but they don't react me. I continue and sign up my new account. I am sorry for multiple account. I know that it is not allowed. Please give me chance to transfer from my old account SourceSkyBoxer to my new current account DeafMan1983. Thank you for understanding!
And I am proud of AS3 starling developers because you and they care starling and feathers
I look for active people our starling community.
Thank you and enjoy your day/night and I hope you care my comeback. I am working with VS-Code and as3&mxml compiler 🙂
Best regards Jens ( aka DeafMan1983 )